Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages • C-11
Normal Low Limit Exceeded User An analog value has fallen below its programmed Lo
Limit setpoint.
Not Enough Backed Memory 10 The E2 tried to save data to the battery-backed mem-
ory, but the memory was full.
Not Enough Flash Memory 20 The E2 tried to save data to the flash memory, but the
memory was full.
Not Enough Memory 10 The E2 tried to save data to unbacked memory, but
the memory was full.
Not Enough Scatch Pad Memory 50 The E2 tried to save data to the scratch pad memory,
but the memory was full.
Notice Limit Exceeded User An analog sensor’s programmed notice limit has
been exceeded.
Num. Of Events Exceeded Limit User A digital value has transitioned ON more times than
its defined Number of Events setpoint.
Occupied Hi Limit Exceeded User An analog value has risen above its defined high limit
setpoint during OCCUPIED mode.
Occupied Low Limit Exceeded User An analog value has fallen below its defined low
limit setpoint during the OCCUPIED mode.
Off Time Exceeded Limit User A digital value has been OFF longer than its defined
Time Off Last setpoint.
Oil Failure Occurred User An oil sensor for a compressor has detected a failure.
On Time Exceeded Limit User A digital value has been ON longer than its defined
Time On Last setpoint.
Open Wire 30 MultiFlex ESR controller has detected an open wire
on the valve input.
Overcurrent 30 MultiFlex ESR controller has detected an overcurrent
condition on the valve.
Override Log lost - CRC Error 20 An internal error in the E2 has resulted in a loss of the
override log.
Override Lost Output Cleared 20 A user tried to override an output on a CC-100, RT-
100, or similar Echelon device, but the override was
not performed successfully. Try the override com-
mand again. If this alarm persists, call Retail Solu-
tions service.
Override Operation Didn't Take 20 The E2 tried to carry out an override and was unsuc-
Override State Not Restored 50 An overridden input or output has remained in the
override state longer than its programmed time.
Pad Memory Corrupted - Reboot 30 A problem with memory has resulted in a reset of the
Part Cnfg Loss-Ptr 15 Due to an internal error, part of E2’s configuration
data has been lost.
Alarm Name