C-12 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
Point Log Cleared-Stamps Ahead 50 After a power failure or reset, E2 tried to recover log
data from its memory, but the log data was corrupted.
E2 cleared all data from its point logs and started
Point Log Stuck-No Memory 15 A Point Log is unable to save new values because
there is not enough memory.
Point Logs Not Restored 15 The point logs stored in memory were not restored
after the last reset or upgrade.
Pressure Table Lost-Being Rblt 50 A Suction Group’s internal list of possible compres-
sor combinations became temporarily invalid, requir-
ing a rebuild.
Product Temp Hi Limit Exceeded User A product temperature probe in a standard or case-
controlled circuit has measured a product tempera-
ture above the low limit setpoint.
Product Temp Lo Limit Exceeded User A product temperature probe in a standard or case-
controlled circuit has measured a product tempera-
ture below the low limit setpoint.
Program ID mismatch 20 Open Echelon controller Program ID does not match
expected Program ID.
Proof Fail User A proof checking device is registering a failure in one
of the Application’s control devices.
Proof Failure Occurred User A proof checking device is registering a failure in one
of the Application’s control devices.
Proof Reset-Stage In retry 50 Due to a FAIL signal from a proof checking device,
the E2 is attempting to reset the proof failure.
Rack Failure Occurred User A Suction Group application is registering a total
rack failure.
REFR Phase Loss User A phase loss device connected to Global Data has
switched ON to shut down all refrigeration systems.
REFR Shutdown User A Global Data application’s REFR Shutdown input
has turned ON to shut down all suction groups, con-
densers, and circuits.
Relativ Adv: No Active Setpt 99 An application that is supposed to be generating an
alarm for a specified input has no active setpoint to
use for alarming. This usually occurs when alarm set-
points are supplied by other applications or inputs,
and the application or input fails.
Resize bad! Logging Terminated 10 The number of samples was changed in a log group
and the resizing of the file storing data was not suc-
cessful. Check memory.
Runtime Log Stuck-No Memory 15 A Runtime Log is unable to save new data because
there is not enough memory.
Runtime Logs Not Restored 15 The runtime logs stored in memory were not restored
after the last reset or upgrade.
Alarm Name