C-8 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
IRLDS: Absorption Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: ADC Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Detector Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Drift Fault 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: General Fault 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Line/Filter Flow Fault 20 A zone on an IRLDS unit has a dirty filter or a
crimped tube.
IRLDS: Pressure Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Self-Test Failure 20 An IRLDS has failed its self-test procedure.
IRLDS: Temperature Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
IRLDS: Unknown Error 20 The IRLDS has experienced an error not recognized
by the E2.
IRLDS: Voltage Data Error 20 An internal error has occurred in the IRLDS. Check
the IRLDS display for error code information, and
call Retail Solutions service.
ISD Missing Phase Lockout 20 After 10 consecutive missing phase trips, the com-
pressor is locked out on missing phase lockout.
ISD Missing Phase Trip 99 If any of the 3 phases of power is missing after the
compressor is called to be on, this advisory is gener-
ISD Oil Pressure Lockout 20 If we have been in Low Oil warning for 2 minutes we
will lock out the compressor.
ISD Welded Contactor 20 If there is voltage on the 3 phase sense inputs 0.5 sec-
onds after the compressor is called to be off, this
advisory is generated.
ISD Compressor Module Failure 20 A hardware failure has occurred in the ISD module.
Alarm Name