Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages • C-9
ISD Discharge Pressure Lockout 20 The discharge pressure has gone above the high dis-
charge cut out, and this condition is set to only gener-
ate a lock out.
ISD Discharge Temp Lockout 20 A lock out has occurred on the compressor because
the discharge temperature sensor has gone above its
alarm set point.
ISD Supply Voltage Trip 99 If the supply voltage to the ISD falls below 170V, this
advisory is generated.
ISD Motor Temp Trip 99 The motor winding temperature sensor has gone
above their preset value on compressors equipped
with them.
ISD Low Oil Warning 99 Low oil pressure is sensed on starting the compres-
ISD Internal Line Break 99 The internal line breaks have opened on compressors
equipped with them.
ISD Discharge Pressure Trip 99 The discharge pressure has gone above the high dis-
charge cut out, and this condition is set to only gener-
ate a trip.
ISD Discharge Temp Trip 99 A trip has occurred on the compressor because the
discharge temperature sensor has gone above its
alarm setpoint.
ISD Suction Pressure Trip 99 The suction pressure has fallen below the low pres-
sure cut out.
ISD No 3 Phase On Start 99 If there is no 3 phase power on the 3 phase sense
inputs when the compressor is called to be on.
ISD No Command Communica-
99 The ISD will only accept run commands from the
Einstein when the communications jumper is
installed. If this jumper is not installed, an advisory
will be generated.
KW Demand Limit Exceeded User The power measurement taken by a Power Monitor-
ing or Demand Control application is higher than the
programmed demand setpoint.
Link To Output Bad-No Output 50 A valid link could not be made between an E2 appli-
cation and an output assigned to it.
Last Off Time Expired 99 Notice or alarm generated in digital generic alarming.
Last On Time Expired 99 Notice or alarm generated in digital generic alarming.
Leak detected 30 Irrigation pipe leak detected.
Log Data Loss-SRAM Data Bad 50 A memory error has resulted in lost log data.
Log Stamp Loss-Flash Data Bad 50 A memory error has resulted in lost log time stamp
Log Stamp Loss-SRAM Data Bad 50 A memory error has resulted in lost log time stamp
Logging Group Stuck-No Memory 15 A Logging Group is unable to save logging data
because there is not enough memory.
Alarm Name