11-50 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
total accumulation, and the last accumulated total informa-
tion can be viewed.
The current output shows the rate of consumption of
the quantity represented by pulses. Average output shows
the average rate value accumulated over the period set in
the Average Window parameter. The High Limit Trip out-
put will turn on if the total accumulation exceeds a user-
specified high limit. Total accumulation shows the total
accumulated value since the last reset. Last Total output
shows the total accumulated value when the last reset
11.20.4 Accumulator Reset Types
The Pulse Accumulator is a register that is increased
by the value of each update of the Quantity Accumulation
input. Each time the Accumulator is reset, before clearing,
its value is saved to a Last Total output. The type of reset
the Accumulator uses can be user-specified with the Accu-
mulator Reset Type parameter. The Accumulator can be
set to reset at a certain time of day, day of the month, when
a high-limit trip occurs, or not to reset at all.
11.20.5 Logging
Rate and usage data is logged and stored using applica-
tion logging. Data is stored in hourly, daily, and monthly
formats. All logged data can be erased from memory by
using the Applications Command menu. In addition, appli-
cation logs show the total and peak rates of consumption
for the last day, hour, and month.
The Hourly log will be updated every hour at the top of
the hour and contain data for the last 48 hours. Time, date,
total accumulation for that hour, maximum average for
that hour, maximum peak value, and time of peak value,
are stored in this log.
The Daily log will contain data for the last 48 days.
Date, total accumulation for that day, maximum average
for that day, maximum peak value, time of peak value, and
minutes tripped are stored in this log.
The Monthly log will contain data for the last 24
months. The log will be updated on a user-specified day of
the month. Date, total accumulation for that month, maxi-
mum average for that month, maximum peak value, time
of peak value, and date of peak value are stored in this log.
Application graphing generates hourly, daily, and
monthly graphs from the application log data. All graphs
show the total and max average.
On the main Status screen, consumption for the current
hour, day, and month are displayed.
11.20.6 High Trip
A high-trip output can be triggered if the Accumula-
tor’s total quantity exceeds a user-defined setpoint. The
trip point output can be controlled by any of three input
sources. The output will be turned ON when the input
source is equal to or greater than a user-specified value.
The total amount of time the application has been in a high
trip condition is shown in the Time In Trip Today output.
11.21 Irrigation Control
11.21.1 Overview
Irrigation control is an application used for the control-
ling of sprinkler systems. This application controls water-
ing by duration of time or water usage parameters. Days of
the week and times for watering are set by the user with a
maximum of two Irrigation applications allowed in the CX
The master water valve is turned ON and OFF as water
is needed for a zone. When disabled, no application con-
trol of any outputs will be possible and the System Status
output will indicate Disabled.
Under normal control only one zone will be active at a
11.21.2 Zones and Cycles
A zone is defined as a single line of irrigation fed from
a main water supply valve (i.e., a group of sprinklers that
are attached to the same line of irrigation). Up to 16 zones
of irrigation per application are supported with six start
times for watering. The user will be able to configure each
zone to function on different days of the week or odd or
even days of the month.
Zones are turned ON one at a time starting from the
first enabled zone. The zone that is ON is considered to be
the active zone. Its state is set to ON and its valve output is
also set to ON. When the active zone completes its time
duration, its state will be set to Done and its valve output
set to OFF.
For enabled zones that are not active or complete, the
states will be set to Pending and the valve output set to
A cycle is the sequence of all defined zones irrigating
one at a time. A cycle is considered complete when the last
defined zone finishes irrigating and shuts OFF. Each zone
turns ON one at a time, starting with the first defined zone
until the last defined zone in the list turns OFF.
The Number of Zones parameter (with a default value
of 4) specifies how many zones the application will use.
No two zones are ever ON at the same time; each zone
starts and stops independently and waits for the other to
finish before another zone starts.