2-4 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
The Gateway board is an RS485 to RS485 converter.
One side of the Gateway is always connected to the Retail
Solutions I/O Network. The other side of the Gateway is
the receiver bus (RS485). The receiver bus is connected to
one or more RS485 devices depending on which type of
Gateway is being used. The Gateway interfaces devices to
the Einstein/E2 and legacy Retail Solutions controller
(REFLECS) by simulating 16AI and 8RO boards using
Retail Solutions standard I/O board protocol. The Gate-
way can also convert third-party controller protocols to
Retail Solutions protocol for custom cells created in the
Einstein/E2 to interface with third-party controllers (Dan-
foss, Woodley, etc.).
The Gateway performs one of two basic functions:
1. It allows control of and/or status of a device using
I/O board simulation
2. Converts a third-party protocol to Retail Solu-
tions I/O Net protocol and interfaces to a custom
cell in Einstein/E2
2.2.2 MultiFlex Boards
The MultiFlex line of control system boards provides a
wide variety of input, output, and smart control solutions,
all of which are based on a single universal hardware plat-
form. The board design uses flash-uploadable firmware
and plug-in expansion boards to configure the base plat-
form board and apply it for use as an input board, relay
output board, analog output board, or a combination I/O
board. MultiFlex 16 Input Board
The MultiFlex 16 input board offers sixteen combina-
tion analog/digital input points for use by Retail Solutions
E2, Einstein, and REFLECS control systems. The Multi-
Flex 16 may be used in retrofits with no additional hard-
ware or software setup or upgrades.
The MultiFlex 16 is designed to be 100% compatible
with the previous generation of Retail Solutions input
boards (the 16AI),
communicates with the site controller
via an RS485 connection to a REFLECS COM A&D Net-
work or an E2 I/O Network. Dip switches on the board set
the network ID (board number) and baud rate.
The board also provides both +5VDC and +12VDC
output voltage points for use in powering transducers or
other input devices that require power.
The MultiFlex 16 has a Hand-held Terminal interface
Section 2.2.4, Hand-held Terminal (P/N 814-3110) that
may be used by technicians to view the input voltage and
engineering unit values for each input point without need
of a voltmeter or front panel controller display.
Table 2-6 shows the part number of the MultiFlex 16.
P/N Gateway Model
810-3500 RF Gateway
810-3700 IRLDS II Gateway
810-3760 RLDS Gateway
810-3710 Danfoss MicroCool Gateway
810-3711 Woodley Case Controller
810-3712 Woodley Pack Controller
810-3720 Cutler Hammer Breaker
810-3721 Square D Breaker Gateway
Table 2-5
- Gateway Board Models
Figure 2-7 - MultiFlex 16 Input Board
P/N Model Name Description
810-3013 MultiFlex 16 16 analog/digital in-
puts, no outputs
Table 2-6 - MultiFlex 16 Input Board Model