11-56 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
11.25 Refrigerant Monitor-
ing System (RMS)
The RMS enables the E2 ability to measure the refrig-
erant used to add, remove and repair an asset that has a
refrigerant charge. RMS is available for E2 versions 3.01
and above. The RMS comes with two components that are
installed together, the RMS asset and the RMS scale. A
total of 99 RMS applications can be supported by the E2.
The RMS is a licensed application. For licensing instruc-
tions, refer to the software licensing section (see Section
10.15, License Management).When an RMS Asset is
licensed, this automatically includes one RMS Scale.
11.25.1 RMS Asset
There will be one E2 RMS asset instance for each
refrigerant charged asset. A refrigerant-charged asset can
include HVAC, Rack, and Small Appliance.
The RMS asset can perform the following functions;
• Charge Asset - The asset will be filled with refrig-
erant. The Cylinder Accumulated Weight and the
Total Accumulated Weight will be reset to 0.0. If an
RMS Scale is not present, manually input the end-
ing weight and the starting weight of the cylinders.
(This applies during charging or reclaim, if more
than one cylinder is needed.)
(Note to cancel charging, press Enter from the Sta-
tus screen and select Application Commands, 3.
Close Ticket. Enter a reason in the Tech Comment
field and press F10 to cancel the charge.)
• Reclaim Refrigerant - The refrigerant will be
removed from the asset. The Cylinder Accumulated
Weight and the Total Accumulated Weight will be
reset to 0.0. If an RMS Scale is not present, manu-
ally input the ending weight and the starting weight
of the cylinders. (This applies during charging or
reclaim, if more than one cylinder is needed.)
(Note to cancel charging, press Enter from the Sta-
tus screen and select Application Commands, 3.
Close Ticket. Enter a reason in the Tech Comment
field and press F10 to cancel the charge.)
• Change Cylinder/New Cylinder - The container
of refrigerant will be removed and replaced with a
new one. If an RMS Scale is not present, manually
input the ending weight and the starting weight of
the cylinders. (This applies during charging or
reclaim, if more than one cylinder is needed.)
(Note to cancel charging, press Enter from the Sta-
tus screen and select Application Commands, 3.
Close Ticket. Enter a reason in the Tech Comment
field and press F10 to cancel the charge.)
• Close Ticket - Select to confirm charging, reclaim-
ing or changing refrigerant. An ending weight, and
the total accumulated weight will be displayed. If
an RMS Scale is not present, manually input the
ending weight and the starting weight of the cylin-
ders. Close Ticket will open the Charge Asset or
Reclaim Refrigerant Ticket screen depending on
which action is being performed. If adding or
removing refrigerant, the refrigerant ticket screen
should be filled out. Press F1 to send.
• Cancel Ticket - Select to cancel the process. An
entry for a reason for cancelling the ticket will be
required. An entry will be written to the log.
Refrigerant Ticket - When changing, adding, or
removing refrigerant, the RMS Ticket screen for charges
or reclaims (depending on whether refrigerant is added or
removed) is filled out. Press F1 to send.
11.25.2 RMS Scale
The RMS scale used for weighing the refrigerant tank
for a specific asset. The RMS scale communicates using
MODBUS. The RMS scale will appear as a device in the
device summary list and will be consistent with other
devices and their online/offline status. Device Constraints
The RMS scale communicates using the ASCII MOD-
BUS protocol. It can exist on the same MODBUS route as
RTU MODBUS devices as long as the baud rate, and
serial settings are the same ( # of bits, Parity, # of Stop
Bits). On a mixed network (RTU and ASCII MODBUS)
address 58 is not supported. 58 is the ASCII value for a “:”
11.26 Detailed Setpoint
Change Logging
Detailed Setpoint Change Logging stores in a log any
setpoints that change, when the setpoint was changed,
what the original value was, and what the value was
changed to.
The log is always enabled except for start-up and
restore and cannot be disabled by the user. This data is
retrieved and displayed on the E2 front panel.
11.26.1 Log Information
The following information will be stored for detailed
setpoint change logging:
• Time Stamp – the time and date of the setpoint
change in local time.
• Port – the port the change was made through.