3-4 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
3.2.2 Boards Without Enclosures
(Snap Track)
16AI, 8RO, 8DO, and Gateway boards not supplied
with an enclosure are supplied with a snap-track for easy
installation. The insulation sheet and I/O board must be
removed from the track before the track is mounted. The
snap-track is mounted using the 0.1875” mounting slots.
Figure 3-10 shows this installation procedure.
Figure 3-9 provides mounting dimensions for the Mul-
tiFlex, 16AI, 8RO, and the 8DO boards. Figure 3-11 pro-
vides mounting dimensions for the 4AO.
The Gateway is typically mounted in the same area as
the site controller, near the controller’s 16AI, 8RO, and
other RS485 Network peripherals. The Gateway is
designed to fit into a standard 3" snap track (supplied with
the board) or may be mounted in a panel or on stand-offs.
Follow the dimensions in Figure 3-12 for panel mounting.
The Gateway should be mounted in an environment
with ambient temperature between -40°F and 150°F, with
a non-condensing relative humidity between 5% and 95%.
3.3 Echelon Devices
3.3.1 16AIe and 8ROe
The 16AIe and 8ROe boards have the same mounting
dimensions as their I/O counterparts, the 16AI and 8RO
boards. For mounting dimensions and instructions, see
Section 3.2.2, Boards Without Enclosures (Snap Track),
and refer to Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9
- 16AI/8RO/8DO Mounting Dimensions
Figure 3-10 - 4AO, 8RO, or MultiFlex Snap-Track Installation
Figure 3-11 - 4AO Mounting Dimensions
Figure 3-12 - Gateway Board Mounting Dimensions
O 0.218"