
Statistics Menu 63
802.1x statistics
Command: /stats/port <port number>/8021x
Authenticator Statistics:
eapolFramesRx = 0
eapolFramesTx = 0
eapolStartFramesRx = 0
eapolLogoffFramesRx = 0
eapolRespIdFramesRx = 0
eapolRespFramesRx = 0
eapolReqIdFramesTx = 0
eapolReqFramesTx = 0
invalidEapolFramesRx = 0
eapLengthErrorFramesRx = 0
lastEapolFrameVersion = 0
lastEapolFrameSource = 00:00:00:00:00:00
Authenticator Diagnostics:
authEntersConnecting = 0
authEapLogoffsWhileConnecting = 0
authEntersAuthenticating = 0
authSuccessesWhileAuthenticating = 0
authTimeoutsWhileAuthenticating = 0
authFailWhileAuthenticating = 0
authReauthsWhileAuthenticating = 0
authEapStartsWhileAuthenticating = 0
authEapLogoffWhileAuthenticating = 0
authReauthsWhileAuthenticated = 0
authEapStartsWhileAuthenticated = 0
authEapLogoffWhileAuthenticated = 0
backendResponses = 0
backendAccessChallenges = 0
backendOtherRequestsToSupplicant = 0
backendNonNakResponsesFromSupplicant = 0
backendAuthSuccesses = 0
backendAuthFails = 0
The following table describes the 802.1x authenticator diagnostics for a selected port:
Table 46 802.1x statistics for port
Statistics Description
Authenticator Diagnostics
authEntersConnecting Total number of times that the state machine transitions to the
CONNECTING state from any other state.
authEapLogoffsWhileConnecting Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED as a result of receiving an EAPOL-
Logoff message.
authEntersAuthenticating Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
CONNECTING to AUTHENTICATING, as a result of an EAPResponse/
Identity message being received from the Supplicant.
Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
AUTHENTICATING to AUTHENTICATED, as a result of the Backend
Authentication state machine indicating successful authentication of the
authTimeoutsWhileAuthenticating Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of the Backend
Authentication state machine indicating authentication timeout.
authFailWhileAuthenticating Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
AUTHENTICATING to HELD, as a result of the Backend Authentication
state machine indicating authentication failure.
authReauthsWhileAuthenticating Total number of times that the state machine transitions from
AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of a re-authentication