Statistics Menu 79
Table 66 OSPF global statistics
Statistic Description
Tx ls Updates
The sum total of all Link State Update packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and
Nbr change stats:
The sum total of all Hello packets received from neighbors on all OSPF areas and
The sum total number of neighbors in this state (that is, an indication that Hello
packets should now be sent to the neighbor at intervals of HelloInterval
seconds) across all OSPF areas and interfaces.
The sum total number of bidirectional communication establishment between this
router and other neighboring routers.
adjoint ok
The sum total number of decisions to be made (again) as to whether an adjacency
should be established/maintained with the neighbor across all OSPF areas and
negotiation done
The sum total number of neighbors in this state wherein the Master/slave relationship
has been negotiated, and sequence numbers have been exchanged, across all OSPF
areas and interfaces.
exchange done
The sum total number of neighbors in this state (that is, in an adjacency's final state)
having transmitted a full sequence of Database Description packets, across all OSPF
areas and interfaces.
bad requests
The sum total number of Link State Requests which have been received for a link state
advertisement not contained in the database across all interfaces and OSPF areas.
bad sequence
The sum total number of Database Description packets which have been received
that either:
• Has an unexpected DD sequence number
• Unexpectedly has the init bit set
• Has an options field differing from the last Options field received in a Database
Description packet.
Any of these conditions indicate that some error has occurred during adjacency
establishment for all OSPF areas and interfaces.
loading done
The sum total number of link state updates received for all out-of-date portions of the
database across all OSPF areas and interfaces.
The sum total number of Hello packets received from neighbors, in which this router is
not mentioned across all OSPF interfaces and areas.
The sum total number of times the Neighbor adjacency has been reset across all
OPSF areas and interfaces.
The total number of Neighboring routers down (that is, in the initial state of a
neighbor conversation) across all OSPF areas and interfaces.
Intf Change Stats:
up The sum total number of interfaces up in all OSPF areas.
down The sum total number of interfaces down in all OSPF areas.
loop The sum total of interfaces no longer connected to the attached network across all
OSPF areas and interfaces.
unloop The sum total number of interfaces, connected to the attached network in all OSPF
wait timer The sum total number of times the Wait Timer has been fired, indicating the end of
the waiting period that is required before electing a (Backup) Designated Router
across all OSPF areas and interfaces.
backup The sum total number of Backup Designated Routers on the attached network for all
OSPF areas and interfaces.
nbr change The sum total number of changes in the set of bidirectional neighbors associated with
any interface across all OSPF areas.