
Configuration Menu 97
SNMP parameters that can be modified include:
System name
System location
System contact
Use of the SNMP system authentication trap function
Read community string
Write community string
The following table describes the System SNMP Configuration Menu options.
Table 84 System SNMP Configuration Menu options
Command Description
snmpv3 Displays SNMPv3 menu.
name <1-64 characters> Configures the name for the system. The name can have a maximum of 64 characters.
locn <1-64 characters> Configures the name of the system location. The location can have a maximum of 64
cont <1-64 characters> Configures the name of the system contact. The contact can have a maximum of 64
rcomm <1-32 characters> Configures the SNMP read community string. The read community string controls SNMP
“get” access to the switch. It can have a maximum of 32 characters. The default read
community string is public.
wcomm <1-32 characters> Configures the SNMP write community string. The write community string controls SNMP
“set” and “get” access to the switch. It can have a maximum of 32 characters. The
default write community string is private.
timeout <1-30> Sets the timeout value for the SNMP state machine. The range is 1-30 minutes. The
default value is 5 minutes.
auth disable|enable Enables or disables the use of the system authentication trap facility. The default setting
is disabled.
linkt <port>
Enables or disables the sending of SNMP link up and link down traps. The default
setting is enabled.
ufd Enables or disables the sending of Uplink Failure Detection traps. The default setting is
cur Displays the current SNMP configuration.
SNMPv3 configuration
Command: /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3
[SNMPv3 Menu]
usm - usmUser Table Menu
view - vacmViewTreeFamily Table Menu
access - vacmAccess Table Menu
group - vacmSecurityToGroup Table Menu
comm - community Table Menu
taddr - targetAddr Table Menu
tparam - targetParams Table Menu
notify - notify Table Menu
v1v2 - Enable/disable V1/V2 access
cur - Display current SNMPv3 configuration