What's New This Release?
| The major enhancements to RPG IV since V4R2 are the support for running ILE
| RPG modules safely in a threaded environment, the new 3-digit and 20-digit signed
| and unsigned integer data types, and support for a new Universal Character Set
| Version 2 (UCS-2) data type and for conversion between UCS-2 fields and graphic
| or single-byte character fields.
| The following list describes these enhancements:
| Support for calling ILE RPG procedures from a threaded application, such as
| Domino or Java.
| – The new control specification keyword THREAD(*SERIALIZE) identifies
| modules that are enabled to run in a multithreaded environment. Access to
| procedures in the module is serialized.
| Support for new 1-byte and 8-byte integer data types: 3I and 20I signed
| integer, and 3U and 20U unsigned integer
| – These new integer data types provide you with a greater range of integer
| values and can also improve performance of integer computations, taking
| full advantage of the 64-bit AS/400 RISC processor.
| – The new 3U type allows you to more easily communicate with ILE C proce-
| dures that have single-byte character (char) return types and parameters
| passed by value.
| – The new INTPREC control specification keyword allows you to specify
| 20-digit precision for intermediate values of integer and unsigned binary
| arithmetic operations in expressions.
| – Built-in functions %DIV and %REM have been added to support integer
| division and remainder operations.
| Support for new Universal Character Set Version 2 (UCS-2) or Unicode data
| type
| – The UCS-2 (Unicode) character set can encode the characters for many
| written languages. The field is a character field whose characters are two
| bytes long.
| – By adding support for Unicode, a single application can now be developed
| for a multinational corporation, minimizing the necessity to perform code
| page conversion. The use of Unicode permits the processing of characters
| in multiple scripts without loss of integrity.
| – Support for conversions between UCS-2 fields and graphic or single-byte
| character fields using the MOVE and MOVEL operations, and the new
| %UCS2 and %GRAPH built-in functions.
| – Support for conversions between UCS-2 fields or graphic fields with dif-
| ferent Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs) using the EVAL, MOVE,
| and MOVEL operations, and the new %UCS2 built-in function.
| Other enhancements have been made to this release as well. These include:
| New parameters for the OPTION control specification keyword and on the
| create commands:
About This Guide xvii