Associating Files with Input/Output Devices
SPECIAL. Figure 126 on page 262 shows a file description specification for a
display (WORKSTN) file FILEX.
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... *
Figure 126. Identifying a Display File in an RPG Program
Note that it is the file name, not the device name (specified in positions 36 through
42) which points to the OS/400 file description that contains the specifications for
the actual device.
The RPG device types correspond to the above file types as follows:
Table 16. Correlation of RPG Device Types with AS/400 File Types
RPG Device Type AS/400 File Type
DISK database, save, DDM files
PRINTER printer files
WORKSTN display, ICF files
SEQ tape, diskette, save, printer, database
Figure 127 illustrates the association of the RPG file name FILEX, as coded in
Figure 126, with a system file description for a display file.
RPG program
Device type =
File name = FILEX
Device = WORKSTN
Figure 127. Associating a file name with a display file description
At compilation time, certain RPG operations are valid only for a specific RPG
device name. In this respect, the RPG operation is device dependent. One example
of device dependency is that the EXFMT operation code is valid only for a
WORKSTN device.
Other operation codes are device independent, meaning that they can be used with
any device type. For example, WRITE is a device-independent operation.
The SEQ Device
The device SEQ is an independent device type. Figure 128 on page 263 illustrates
the association of the RPG file name FILEY with a system file description for a
sequential device. When the program is run, the actual I/O device is specified in the
description of FILEY. For example, the device might be PRINTER.
262 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide