
EVAL debug command
using 199
event file for CODE/400 411
binding multiple modules 84
OPM-compatible program 61
program for source debugging 59
program with static binding 60
sample binder listing 100
service program 94
converting to RPG IV
all members in a file 388
performing a trial conversion 388
sample conversion 390
some members in a file 388
adding a service program to a session 173
changing field values 209
changing the debug view of a module 176
displaying attributes of a field 210
displaying data addressed by pointers 206
displaying fields as hexadecimal values 205
displaying fields in character format 205
displaying fields in UCS-2 format 206
displaying fields in variable-length format 206
displaying indicators 204
displaying multiple-occurrence data
structures 203
displaying the contents of a table 202
displaying the contents of an array 202
removing programs from a session 173
setting a conditional breakpoint 182
setting an unconditional breakpoint 179
setting debug options 171
source for debug examples 211
using %SUBSTR to display field values 207
viewing a different module in a debug
session 175
handling exceptions
*PSSR error subroutine 232
avoiding a loop in an error subroutine 235
cancel handler 244
file error subroutine 229
unhandled escape message 224
unhandled function check 225
using a cancel handler 245
using a condition handler 238
data maintenance 349
inquiry by zip code and search on name 364
inquiry program 346
subfile processing 358
interactive application 345
managing your own heap 119
module with multiple procedures 41
passing parameters using the CL CALL
command 104
program/procedure call
checking number of passed parameters 141
using omitted parameters 94
sample ILE RPG program 6
subprocedures 37, 38
creating a NOMAIN module 75
monitoring during run time 109
nested, 223
exception handler
priority of 223
RPG-specific 220, 226
exception messages
percolation 218
types of 218
unexpectedly handled by CL MONMSG 247
unhandled 223
exception/error handling
*PSSR error subroutine 232
avoiding a loop 235
cancel handler 244
condition handler 238
differences between ILE RPG and OPM
RPG/400 222, 374
error indicators 227
error/exception subroutine overview 228
file error/exception (INFSR) subroutine 229
general considerations 223
NOOPT keyword 226
optimization considerations 226
overview 217
percolation 218
RPG-specific 220
specifying a return point 237
types of 217
unhandled 223
using 'E' extender 227
EXFMT (write/then read format) operation code 342
EXPCPY parameter 386
EXPORT keyword
duplicate names 84
returning values 134
extension specifications
conversion problems 392, 400
external-references list in compiler listing 435
externally described file
access path 282
adding to external description 265
advantages 261
as program-described 264
as WORKSTN file 331, 335
definition 263
Index 451