Stepping Through the Program Object
Display Module Source
(Source not available)
F3=End program F12=Resume F14=Work with module list F18=Work with watch
F21=Command entry F22=Step into F23=Display output
Watch number 1 at instruction 18, variable: SALARY
Figure 92. Example of a Display Module Source Panel
Stepping Through the Program Object
After a breakpoint is encountered, you can run a specified number of statements of
a program object, then stop the program again and return to the Display Module
Source display. You do this by using the step function of the ILE source debugger.
The program object resumes running on the next statement of the module object in
which the program stopped. Typically, a breakpoint is used to stop the program
| Breakpoints can be set before the program is called and while you are stepping
| through the program. Breakpoints can also be automatically generated for input and
| output specifications if the default OPTION(*DEBUGIO) is specified. If this option is
| selected, a STEP on a READ statement will stop at the input specification. You can
| choose not to generate breakpoints for input and output specifications with
You can step into an OPM program if it has debug data available and if the debug
session accepts OPM programs for debugging.
You can step through a program object by using:
F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into) on the Display Module Source display
The STEP debug command
The simplest way to step through a program object one statement at a time is to
use F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into) on the Display Module Source display. When
you press F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into), then next statement of the module object
shown in the Display Module Source display is run, and the program object is
stopped again.
Note: You cannot specify the number of statements to step through when you use
F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into). Pressing F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into) per-
forms a single step.
Another way to step through a program object is to use the STEP debug command.
The STEP debug command allows you to run more than one statement in a single
step. The default number of statements to run, using the STEP debug command, is
one. To step through a program object using the STEP debug command, type:
STEP number-of-statements
on the debug command line. The variable
is the number of
statements of the program object that you want to run in the next step before the
program object is halted again. For example, if you type
194 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide