Converting Your Source
5. Check the log file or the error report for any errors. For more information, see
“Analyzing Your Conversion” on page 393.
6. If there are errors, correct them and go to step 4 on page 382.
7. If there are no errors, create your program. For information on how to create
ILE RPG programs, see Chapter 6, “Creating a Program with the
CRTBNDRPG Command” on page 57.
8. If your converted source member still has compilation problems, these are most
likely caused because your primary source member contains /COPY compiler
directives. You have two choices to correct this situation:
a. Reconvert your source member specifying EXPCPY(*YES) to expand copy
members into your converted source member.
b. Manually correct any remaining errors using the compiler listing as a guide.
Refer to “Resolving Conversion Problems” on page 398 for further information.
9. Once your converted source member has compiled successfully, retest the
program before putting it back into production.
To convert your RPG III or RPG/400 source to the new RPG IV format, you use the
CVTRPGSRC command to start the Conversion Aid. Table 31 shows the parame-
ters of the command based on their function.
The syntax for the CVTRPGSRC command is shown below.
Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Table 31. CVTRPGSRC Parameters and Their Default Values Grouped by Function
Program Identification
FROMFILE Identifies library and file name of RPG source to be
FROMMBR Identifies which source members are to be converted
TOFILE(*LIBL/QRPGLESRC) Identifies library and file name of converted output
TOMBR(*FROMMBR) Identifies file member names of converted source
Conversion Processing
TOMBR If *NONE is specified, then no file members are saved
EXPCPY(*NO) Determines if /COPY statements are included in con-
verted output
INSRTPL(*NO) Indicates if specification templates are to be included in
converted output
Conversion Feedback
CVTRPT(*YES) Determines whether to produce conversion report
SECLVL(*NO) Determines whether to include second-level message
LOGFILE(*LIBL/QRNCVTLG) Identifies log file for audit report
LOGMBR(*FIRST) Identifies which member of the log file to use for audit
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 383