Creating a Module Object
Reuse pieces of code. This generally results in smaller programs. Smaller pro-
grams give you better performance and easier debugging capabilities.
Maintain shared code with little chance of introducing errors to other parts of
the overall program.
Manage large programs more effectively. Modules allow you to divide your old
program into parts that can be managed separately. If the program needs to be
enhanced, you only need to recompile those modules which have been
Create mixed-language programs where you bind together modules written in
the best language for the task required.
For more information about the concept of modules, refer to
ILE Concepts
Using the CRTRPGMOD Command
You create a module using the Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) command.
You can use the command interactively, as part of a batch input stream, or from a
Command Language (CL) program.
If you are using the command interactively and need prompting, type
CRTRPGMOD and press F4 (Prompt). If you need help, type CRTRPGMOD and
press F1 (Help).
Table 6 lists the parameters of the CRTRPGMOD command and their system-
supplied defaults. The syntax diagram of the command and a description of the
parameters are found in Appendix C, “The Create Commands” on page 405.
Table 6 (Page 1 of 2). CRTRPGMOD Parameters and Their Default Values Grouped by Function
Module Identification
MODULE(*CURLIB/*CTLSPEC) Determines created module name and library
SRCFILE(*LIBL/QRPGLESRC) Identifies source file and library
SRCMBR(*MODULE) Identifies file member containing source specifications
TEXT(*SRCMBRTXT) Provides brief description of module
Module Creation
GENLVL(10) Conditions module creation to error severity (0-20)
| OPTION(*DEBUGIO)| *DEBUGIO/*NODEBUGIO, determines if breakpoints are gener-
| ated for input and output specifications
OPTION(*GEN) *GEN/*NOGEN, determines if module is created
| OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT)| Specifies how the compiler generates statement numbers for
| debugging
DBGVIEW(*STMT) Specifies type of debug view, if any, to be included in module
OPTIMIZE(*NONE) Determines level of optimization, if any
REPLACE(*YES) Determines if module should replace existing module
AUT(*LIBCRTAUT) Specifies type of authority for created module
TGTRLS(*CURRENT) Specifies the release level the object is to be run on
BNDDIR(*NONE) Specifies the binding directory to be used for symbol resolution
ENBPFRCOL(*PEP) Specifies whether performance collection is enabled
74 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide