Preparing a Program for Debugging
7. From the help panel which appears, you can select a number of topics per-
taining to RPG, such as displaying variables, displaying table, and displaying
multiple-occurrence data structures.
Preparing a Program for Debugging
A program or module must have debug data available if you are to debug it. Since
debug data is created during compilation, you specify whether a module is to
contain debug data when you create it using CRTBNDRPG or CRTRPGMOD. You
use the DBGVIEW parameter on either of these commands to indicate what type of
data (if any) is to be created during compilation.
The type of debug data that can be associated with a module is referred to as a
debug view. You can create one of the following views for each module that you
want to debug. They are:
Root source view
COPY source view
Listing view
Statement view
The default value for both CRTBNDRPG and CRTRPGMOD is to create a state-
ment view. This view provides the closest level of debug support to previous
If you do not want debug data to be included with the module or if you want faster
compilation time, specify DBGVIEW(*NONE) when the module is created.
However, a formatted dump will not list the values of program variables when no
debug data is available.
Note also that the storage requirements for a module or program will vary some-
what depending on the type of debug data included with it. The following values for
the DBGVIEW parameter are listed in increasing order based on their effect on sec-
ondary storage requirements:
1. *NONE
2. *STMT
4. *COPY
5. *LIST
6. *ALL
Once you have created a module with debug data and bound it into a program
object (*PGM), you can start to debug your program.
Note: An OPM program must be compiled with OPTION(*SRCDBG) or
OPTION(*LSTDBG) in order to debug it using the ILE source debugger. For
more information, see “Starting the ILE Source Debugger” on page 170
The debug views are summarized in the following table:
166 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide