Resolving Conversion Problems
In renaming an externally described data structure field or an externally
described file field
I* If the RPG III source member contains only the source
I* statement describing field CHAR below, the Conversion
I* Aid is unsure how to convert it. This statement may be
I* a rename of an externally described data structure field
I* which is converted to a definition specification) or
I* a rename of an externally described file field)
I* (which is converted to an input specification).
Figure 204. RPG III Source with a renamed field
In the above two instances, a data structure is assumed and definition specifica-
tions are produced. A block of comments containing the input specification code is
also produced. For example, the Conversion Aid will convert the source in
Figure 203 on page 400 to the code shown in Figure 205. If Input specification
code is required, delete the definition specifications and blank out the asterisks
from the corresponding Input specifications.
D* If the RPG III source member contains only the source
D* statements describing fields FIELD1 and FIELD2 below, the
D* Conversion Aid is unsure how to convert them. These
D* statements may be data structure fields (which are converted
D* to definition specifications) or program-described file
D* fields (which are converted to input specifications).
D FIELD1 1 3
D FIELD2 4 6
I* 1 3 FIELD1
I* 4 6 FIELD2
Figure 205. RPG IV source after converting source with input fields only
Remember that you have two ways of correcting these types of problems. Either
use the EXPCPY(*YES) option of the CVTRPGSRC command, or manually correct
the code after conversion.
Use of Externally Described Data Structures
There are two problems that you may have to fix manually even though you specify
the EXPCPY(*YES) option on the CVTRPGSRC command.
The merging of an array with an externally described DS subfield
The renaming and initializing of an externally described DS subfield
These problems are related to the use of externally described data structures.
Because these problems will generate compile-time errors, you can use the infor-
mation in the ILE RPG compiler listing and the
ILE RPG for AS/400 Reference
correct them.
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 401