Converting Your Source
Using the TOFILE(*NONE) parameter stops the Conversion Aid from generating a
converted member, but still allows it to produce a conversion report. For more infor-
mation on the conversion report, see “Analyzing Your Conversion” on page 393.
Obtaining Conversion Reports
The Conversion Aid normally produces a conversion report each time you issue the
command. The name of the spooled file corresponds to the file name specified in
the TOFILE parameter. If you try to convert a member that already exists or has an
unsupported member type, then a message is printed in the job log indicating that
these members have not been converted. The log file, if requested, is also updated
to reflect that no conversion has occurred. However, no information regarding
these members is placed in the report.
The conversion report includes the following information:
CVTRPGSRC command options
Source section that includes:
– conversion errors or warnings
– CALL operations
– /COPY directives
Message summary
Final summary
The conversion error messages provide you with suggestions on how to correct the
error. In addition, any CALL operations and /COPY directives in the unconverted
source are flagged to help you in identifying the various parts of the application you
are converting. In general, you should convert all RPG components of an applica-
tion at the same time.
If you do not want a conversion report, then specify CVTRPT(*NO).
Converting Auto Report Source Members
When an auto report source member (type RPT or RPT38) is detected in an RPG
III or OPM RPG/400 source program, the Conversion Aid calls the CRTRPTPGM
command to expand the source member and then converts it. (This is because
auto report is not supported by ILE RPG.)
The auto report program produces a spooled file each time it is called by the Con-
version Aid. You may want to check this file to see if any errors occurred on the
auto report expansion, since these errors will not be in the conversion report.
In particular, you may want to check the auto report spooled file for an error
message indicating that /COPY members were not found. The Conversion Aid will
not know if these files are missing. However, without these files, it may not be able
to successfully convert your source.
Note: If the source member type of the member to be converted is not RPT or
RPT38 and the member
an auto report source member, you should
assign the correct source member type (RPT or RPT38) to the member
before converting it; otherwise conversion errors may occur.
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 389