
v Operating mode which helps to define the physical connection (switched
line-answer in this example)
The Connection page allows you to define the line description that will be used for
the connection. For switched dial profiles, this page also allows you to specify the
remote phone number or numbers required to connect to the remote system. For
SLIP, the Maximum transmission units is configurable. This determines the size in
bytes of each Packet that is sent to the remote system.
The TCP/IP Settings page allows you to define the local and remote IP addresses
that will be used for this connection. It also allows you to define additional TCP/IP
For the remote IP address, Route specified is enabled only for switched
line-answer profiles. This gives the administrator greater flexibility in selection of
remote IP addresses. If the IP forwarding option is selected, then this allows the
remote user to send IP datagrams to the network that is connected to this AS/400.
If this is not desirable, then disable this feature. VJ header compression is not
configurable on the answer side since the client determines if VJ header
compression will be used.
Dynamically assigned IP addresses require the use of a connection script. For more
information, see “Writing Connection Dialog Scripts” on page 118.
Use the Script page to specify whether you want to use a connection script for the
connection profile.
A Connection script allows AS/400 and remote systems to exchange information.
This is the only method of passing user ID, password, and IP address information
for SLIP. For more information, see “Writing Connection Dialog Scripts” on
page 118.
Use the Domain Name Server page to define the domain name server to use for a
connection profile. The page is enabled for switched line-dial and leased
line-initiator connection profiles only.
You may want to configure the Domain Name Server (DNS) under the following
v You want to have automatic host-name-to-IP-address resolution
v The remote system has a DNS available
If authentication is required, use the Authentication page to define which users
may connect to this system.
Figure 81 on page 117 is an example of a switched answer or leased line terminator
authentication page for a SLIP connection profile. If authentication is enabled, then
a connection script
be used to prompt for and accept the user name and
password information from the remote system. For more information on connection
scripts, see “Writing Connection Dialog Scripts” on page 118.
116 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4