
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client 254
job names 254
NAMEFMT, naming format 241
naming format indicator 241
OS/2 example
PS/2 running 256
Put process 258
server messages 257
path considerations 235
QDLS documents, transferring 261
QFileSvr.400 file system
transferring files 261
QLANSrv file
CCSID code page tagging 264
transfer 261
QOpenSys file
CCSID code page tagging 264
transfer 261
file transfer 263
root file
CCSID code page tagging 264
transfer 261
running FTP in batch 235
save file transfer 259
alternative commands 237
tracing 456
transferring files
QFileSvr.400 file system, using 261
QLANSrv 261
QOpenSys 261
root 261
transferring HFS files 260
transferring QDLS documents 261
VAX/Wollongong example
logon process 251, 252
naming conventions 254
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server
AIX (UNIX) 282
AS/400 file compatibility 280
batch job 279
ending 281
file compatibility, AS/400 280
file naming considerations 280
file structure considerations 280
FTP considerations 282
functions not supported 280
functions supported 279
getting copy of job log 456
inactivity time-out value 268
job names 280
logon exit program (C language) 555
NAMEFMT value 283
path considerations 280
restarting 282
running FTP in batch 279
sample program, C language
server logon exit 555
tracing 453
VAX/Wollongong 282
firewalls 233
first failure data capture (FFDC) 480
*AIX 73
*AS400 73
*NIC 73
format communications trace data display 499
communications trace 499
FORWARD.COND parameter 397
forward datagrams 145
FORWARD parameter 397
frame relay 22
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
anonymous 568
application protocol 13
batch job 269
CL commands 510
definition 13
exit points 553
exit program 535, 548
scenario 554
logon ID 239
overview 235
problem analysis 450
relationship between client and server 235
reporting problems
materials required 452
request validation exit program 548
security for IBM-written programs 513
to remote system 76
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client 259
AIX (UNIX) example
logon process 254
AS/400 file pre-creation 264
batch job 235
AS/400 file pre-creation 264
file naming 266
file pre-creation 264
file structure 262, 267
job wait time 266
level identifier 264
national language support 265
path 267
record structure 262
sequencing 264
source files 264
text files 262
time stamp 264
data transfer methods 258
file pre-creation, AS/400 264
functions not supported 235
functions supported 235
HFS files, transferring 260
NAMEFMT, naming format 241
naming format indicator 241
OS/2 example
PS/2 running 256
Put process 258
Index 615