
PAGEUP (page up (roll down) key) 330
PORT (port number of the remote host server
application) 160, 166
port number of the remote host server application
(PORT) 160, 166
QAUTOVRT (automatically create virtual (devices))
3270 full-screen mode 188
ASCII line mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 197
QLMTSECOFR (limit security officer)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII line mode 213
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on attempts allowed)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII full-screen mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 198
TABSTOP (VT100 tab stops) 166
TBL3270IN (incoming 3270 translation table) 160
TBL328-OUT (outgoing 3270 translation table) 160
TBLVTDRWI (VT100 special table in) 166
TBLVTDRWO (VT100 special table out) 166
TBLVTIN (incoming ASCII translation table) 166
TBLVTOUT (outgoing ASCII translation table) 166
TELNET timemark timeout (TIMMRKTIMO)
3270 full-screen mode 190, 199, 214
Telnet printer pass-through mode 218
timeout wait for host (INZWAIT)
3270 full-screen mode 160
5250 full-screen mode 159
VTxxx full-screen mode 166
TIMMRKTIMO (TELNET timemark timeout)
3270 full-screen mode 190, 199, 214
Telnet printer pass-through mode 218
TOPBNRURL (top banner URL) 327
VT100 answerback feature (ANSWERBACK) 166
VT100 options selected (VTOPT) 166
VT100 page scroll feature (PAGESCROLL) 166
VT100 special table in (TBLVTDRWI) 166
VT100 special table out (TBLVTDRWO) 166
VT100 tab stops (TABSTOP) 166
VTOPT (VT100 options selected) 166
Pascal API
application protocol 16
PASSIVE supply value 395
path considerations 267
*BASE pool size 425
file pre-creation 264
merging host tables 427
TCP/IP jobs 425
Telnet server 233
permanent virtual circuit (PVC)
example 91
obtaining a network address 22
physical line 505
PING (Packet Internet Groper) command 47
PING (Packet Internet Groper) command 437
considerations 437
security for IBM-written programs 514
TCP/IP installation and configuration 22
work with communications trace 493
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
description 17
Point-to-Point TCP/IP 17, 126
pool size 425
POP (Post Office Protocol) mail server 285, 287
*ANY support 297
adding users to system distribution directory 289
address book 311
cache 312
ASCII to EBCDIC conversion 313
CL commands 511
Client Access-based clients, setting up 293
Client Access-based mail users, configuring for 294
configuring 293
content types supported 303
ending 296
exchanging mail with OfficeVision 297
mail delivery problems 476
mail server framework 297
national language support 313
overview 285
problem analysis 476
removing users 295
SNADS tunneling 308
standard POP clients, setting up 292
starting 296
verbs supported 296
POP mail server
definition 14
definition 85
restriction 85
TFTP client 385
TFTP server 385
well-known 17
PORT (port number of the remote host server
application) parameter 160, 166
port number of the remote host server application
(PORT) parameter 160, 166
Post Office Protocol (POP) mail server 285, 287
*ANY support 297
adding users to system distribution directory 289
address book 311
cache 312
ASCII to EBCDIC conversion 313
CL commands 511
Client Access-based clients, setting up 293
Client Access-based mail users, configuring for 294
configuring 293
content types supported 303
ending 296
exchanging mail with OfficeVision 297
mail delivery problems 476
mail server framework 297
622 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4