
Within your own networks, you can assign your own addresses. However, if you
want to connect to the Internet, then your network addresses and domain names
that need to be visible on the Internet must be officially assigned by a central
authority. The authority at the time of this writing is Network Solutions, Inc. The
address is:
Network Solutions, Inc.
ATTN: InterNIC Registration Services
505 Huntmar Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20170
FAX: 1-703-742-9552
E-mail: hostmaster@internic.net
URL: http://rs.internic.net/
Information about how to register a new domain name through the InterNIC is found
at the URL address which is listed above. This address contains registration tools
and forms for online registering, and an overview on domain name registration.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, or IANA, has allocated a block of Internet
network addresses for use only in private networks, or intranets. The addresses are
dispensed through the InterNIC registration process. IANA guarantees that the
addresses within this range are not used as valid host internet addresses on the
Internet. The reserved addresses within this block are as follows: - - -
Accessing the Internet
To obtain Internet access you must purchase it through an Internet Service Provider
(ISP). If you need assistance, the InterNIC provides you with contact information for
ISPs in the United States and other countries. See “Internet Addresses” on page 2
for address information to contact the InterNIC Registration Services.
Once you have selected an ISP to work with, the ISP obtains an internet address
for you. If you choose not to connect to the Internet through an ISP but plan to do
so directly, you still need to apply to the InterNIC for a domain address and an IP
network ID. However, in order to apply to the InterNIC without the assistance of an
ISP, you must be either a service provider or a large global corporation.
IBM also offers ISP services as part of its Internet Connection family of service
offerings. To contact IBM within the United States, call 1-800-IBM-4YOU
(1-800-426-4698), or you may call your local IBM office.
In addition, the following IBM Redbooks offer more information about choosing an
Internet Service Provider:
Cool Title About the AS/400 and the Internet, SC24-4815
Accessing the Internet, SG24-2597
Using the Information Super Highway, GG24-2499
Chapter 1. TCP/IP on AS/400 3