
The CHGVTMAP command is only valid when called from within an AS/400 Telnet
server session operating in VTxxx full-screen mode. You can change the VT
keyboard map using option 4 from the Configure TCP/IP Telnet menu.
Step 11—VTxxx—Setting the DFTNVTTYPE Value
The DFTNVTTYPE (default network virtual terminal type) parameter specifies the
mode to be used when the Telnet server is not able to negotiate one of the
supported terminal types. Use the CHGTELNA command to set the value for this
parameter to either *VT100 for VT100 or VT220 mode or *NVT for ASCII line mode.
Step 12—VTxxx—Setting the ASCII/EBCDIC Mapping Tables
The AS/400 Telnet server uses default ASCII-to-EBCDIC and EBCDIC-to-ASCII
mapping tables based on the CCSID parameter in the TCP/IP Telnet attributes. The
default is to use the DEC multinational character set (*MULTINAT). Other 7-bit and
8-bit ASCII CCSIDs can also be used as well as any of the 7-bit DEC national
replacement character sets. These are discussed in “VTxxx—National Mode” on
page 180.
Note: For VT220 8-bit mode, the mapping tables are not available. The DEC
replacement character sets must be used. For the VT220 7-bit mode, you
can use either the mapping tables or the DEC replacement character sets.
You can change the default by changing the CCSID parameter, or by specifying
different values for the VTxxx outgoing (TBLVTOUT) and incoming tables
(TBLVTIN) using the CHGTELNA command, or by changing the default for the
current session using the Set VT Mapping Tables (SETVTTBL) command. This
command can also be accessed with option 2 on the CHGTCPTELN command
when in VTxxx emulation.
VTxxx Automatic Wrap
The AS/400 VTxxx server requires the VTxxx client to have the automatic wrap
(autowrap) option turned on. When automatic wrap is on, a character written to
column 80 of the VTxxx causes the cursor to move to the first column of the next
line. Please refer to your VTxxx client documentation for details of how to set on
this option.
System Request Processing for VTxxx Sessions
The system request processing for the VTxxx sessions is slightly different than that
for a normal 5250 workstation. When the System Request key is pressed on a 5250
workstation, a system request command line appears at the bottom of the display. If
you press the Enter key, the System Request menu appears. For VTxxx sessions,
the system request command line is not displayed when the system request
function is called. Instead, the System Request menu is displayed immediately.
Error Conditions on 5250 Keyboard
Certain error conditions cause a 5250 keyboard to lock and an error code to be
displayed on the operator error line, for example, typing when the cursor is not in
an input field. For VTxxx sessions, these errors cause a bell to sound on the VTxxx
terminal and the keyboard to remain unlocked.
Chapter 6. Telnet Server 207