
Resolving Network Delays Example
If you have a slower modem or a small model AS/400 system, you might
experience delays on the network. In this case, you can change the data request
timeout value to a higher number. Choose a number somewhat higher than the
default, and experiment with that value for a while. You must balance network
delays with resource usage that can cause bottlenecks on the system. The
following command changes the data request timeout value to 60 seconds:
Online Help Information
The following information is what you see when you select the Tips button when
using the workstation gateway server:
v A Word About Browsers...
v Signing on to the AS/400 workstation gateway server
v Quick Tips for a Fast Start
v Using the Buttons
v Using the Menu Boxes
v FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
v Working with AS/400 Menus
v AS/400 Menu Parts
A Word About Browsers...
As you read through this document, remember that Web browsers interpret HTML
differently. Your Web browser affects the way that the AS/400 menu and list
windows look on your display. For example, the
menu might look like a
spin box in the IBM WebExplorer, but in Netscape or Mosaic, it might look like a
drop-down menu.
It is impractical to provide information for every interface variation caused by a
browser. As a result, the information in this document might not accurately describe
the interface that you are using.
Also, because of the nature of today’s browsers, you might be unable to view this
help document and the AS/400 window in which you are working at the same time.
You can print this document for your convenience now and in the future.
Signing on to the AS/400 Workstation Gateway Server
All of the parts you are used to seeing on a typical AS/400 sign-on panel are on the
AS/400 workstation gateway server display, too, like the following:
v Menu title.
v System and subsystem name.
v Sign-on area for specifying your user ID and password.
To sign on to your AS/400 system:
1. Type your user ID in the
2. Type your password in the
3. If you want to call a specific program or procedure, go to a specific menu (or
specify a library), and type the name in the appropriate box.
338 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4