
keyboard map 501
keyboard style 161
minus sign 161
QATMTLOG member 330
system name and address 39
VTxxx keyboard map 205
DIST_ROUTES_IN parameter 395
distributed data interface (DDI)
fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 22
shielded twisted pair distributed data interface
(SDDI) 22
distributions received by QSECOFR
example 465
DLTCMNTRC (Delete Communications Trace)
command 493
DLTTBL (Delete Table) command 523
DNS (Domain Name System) server 9
concepts 421
definition 76
documentation 422
introduction 421
problem analysis 482
DNS server
definition 14
domain name 42
character restrictions 10
concatenation 437
definition 9
Domain Name System (DNS) server 9
concepts 421
definition 76
documentation 422
introduction 421
problem analysis 482
domain names and host names 10
DSPCHRATTR (display character attributes)
parameter 166
DSPKBDMAP (Display Keyboard Map) command 192
DSPSGN (display sign-on panel) 325
DSPVTMAP (Display VT Keyboard Map)
command 205
DTARQSTIMO (data request timeout) parameter 325
dynamic application printing with TCP/IP 231
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
see DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
server 405
character set 524
mapping tables
message CPX8416 517
used by FTP 518
used by TELNET 518
emulation package 229
End Communications Trace (ENDCMNTRC)
command 493
End Group Job (ENDGRPJOB) command 229
end system
definition 220
End TCP/IP Connections (ENDTCPCNN) command 63
End TCP/IP Interfaces (ENDTCPIFC) command 58
End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) command 320,
367, 378, 384, 392, 400, 416
ENDCMNTRC (End Communications Trace)
command 493
ENDGRPJOB (End Group Job) command 229
BOOTP server 378
communications trace 493
DHCP server 416
group job 229
interfaces, route-to-interface binding 58
POP mail server 296
RouteD server 392
TCP/IP connections 63
Telnet server session 220
ENDTCPCNN (End TCP/IP Connections) command 63
ENDTCPIFC (End TCP/IP Interfaces) command 58
ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) command 320,
367, 378, 384, 392, 400, 416
error log
problem analysis 503
error messages 438, 486
*SYSGEN default value 506
AA entry 506
Version 2 506
ASCII-to-EBCDIC mapping 524
batch FTP 269
CCSID when MIME page not supported for WSG
server 337
changing keyboard mapping 193, 206
changing number of WSG clients 337
configuring DHCP for a LAN with a router 417
configuring DHCP through Operations
Navigator 417
dial-on-demand 98
distributions received by QSECOFR 465
EBCDIC-to-ASCII mapping 523
FTP client
AS/400-to-AIX (UNIX) 254
AS/400-to-AS/400 245
AS/400-to-OS/2 256
AS/400-to-VAX/Wollongong 251
save file transfer from VM to AS/400 259
incoming data (TBLIN) 522
IP address mapping scenarios 232
multihoming 79, 80, 81, 82
multiple network configuration 22
network delay with WSG server 338
office-to-office scenario 100
outgoing data (TBLOUT) 522
partly successful host table merge 75
querying for distributions for QSECOFR 464
single network configuration 29
connection script (dial in) 121, 124
Index 613