
WSG (workstation gateway server) 152, 323
alternatives 111
display TCP/IP connections 70
displaying totals 71
End TCP/IP Connections (ENDTCPCNN)
command 63
status, work with TCP/IP connection 60
verify TCP/IP connection 47
connection-oriented sockets
connection profiles
configuring connection profiles 96
configuring SLIP 115
PPP 96
connection script 152, 156
example 123
how to create 122, 125
location of default 121
purpose 125
SLIP 145
dial in 121, 124
dial out 121
connection type
Ethernet 30
fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 30
frame relay 30
shielded twisted pair distributed data interface
(SDDI) 30
token-ring 30
wireless LAN 30
X.25 PVC 30
X.25 SVC 30
file naming 266
file structure 267
FTP client file naming 266
path 267
security 509
Telnet 3270 full-screen mode
client 159
server 186
Telnet 5250 full-screen mode
server 183
Telnet ASCII line mode
server 210
Telnet printer pass-through mode 216
Telnet VTxxx full-screen mode
client 163
server 196
control characters (CTLCHAR) parameter 166
control file
overview 369
control key keywords 172
controller description
automatically creating 144, 151
virtual workstation 215
conventions for domain names and host names 10
long line 299
data for FTP 266, 280
files 76
TCP3C14 message 266, 280
CPF87D7 message 201
CPF87DF message
3270 full-screen mode 188
5250 full-screen mode 322
ASCII line mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 198
CPF8940 message
3270 full-screen mode 188
5250 full-screen mode 322
ASCII line mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 198
CPX8416 message ID 517
Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL) command 146,
Create Controller Description (Network) (CRTCTLNET)
command 505
Create Controller Description (Virtual Work Station)
(CRTCTLVWS) command 215
Create Device Description (Display) (CRTDEVDSP)
command 215
Create Device Description (Network) (CRTDEVNET)
command 505
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command 352
Create Table (CRTTBL) command 518, 521
Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF)
3270 full-screen mode 191
ASCII line mode 215
VTxxx full-screen mode 201
ASCII mapping tables 518
authorization list 146, 147
controller description
virtual workstation 215
device description
display 215
display device description 215
EBCDIC mapping tables 518
exit point programs 537
line description 506
mapping table from source members 518
source members for 3270 mapping tables 521, 522
user-defined mapping tables 521
user profile
3270 full-screen mode 191
ASCII line mode 215
VTxxx full-screen mode 201
virtual workstation controller description 215
CRTAUTL (Create Authorization List) command 146,
CRTCTLNET (Create Controller Description (Network))
command 505
CRTCTLVWS (Create Controller Description (Virtual
Work Station)) command 215
Index 611