
object authority
ASCII line mode 190
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
object security
network configuration 513
object type for mapping tables 517
OfficeVision 299
exchanging mail with POP 297
mail, sending to POP clients 305
online help 338
operating modes
Telnet client 159
Telnet server 183
Operations Navigator 96
accessing BOOTP functions 377
accessing DHCP functions 414
accessing REXEC functions 399
accessing RouteD functions 391
accessing SOCKS functions 423
accessing TFTP functions 383
accessing WSG functions 319
adding Network Stations 380
migrating BOOTP 419
option acknowledgment
see OACK options 388
architected 413
specifying 412
user-defined 413
OS/2 example
FTP client
example 256
Put process 258
server 257
OS/400 Network File System (NFS) 15
outgoing 3270 translation table (TBL3270OUT)
parameter 160
outgoing ASCII translation table (TBLVTOUT)
parameter 166
outgoing data
3270-to-5250 mapping 521
EBCDIC-to-ASCII mapping 519
output queue
creating 352
definition 2
packet forwarding 36
Packet Internet Groper (PING) command 47
security for IBM-written programs 514
packet routing 36
page down [roll up] key (PAGEDOWN) parameter 160
page up [roll down] key (PAGEUP) parameter 160
PAGEDOWN (page down [roll up] key) parameter 160
PAGESCROLL (VT100 page scroll feature)
parameter 166
PAGEUP (page up [roll down] key) parameter 160
access log (ACCLOG) parameter 330
access logging (ACCLOG) 327
ACCLOG (access log) parameter 330
ACCLOG (access logging) 327
ANSWERBACK (VT100 answerback feature) 166
ASCII operating mode (ASCOPRMOD) 166
ASCOPRMOD (ASCII operating mode) 166
automatically create virtual (devices) (QAUTOVRT)
3270 full-screen mode 188
ASCII line mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 197
AUTOSTART 320, 378, 383, 392, 400, 415
BOTBNRURL (bottom banner URL) 327
bottom banner URL (BOTBNRURL) 327
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 166, 328
change how nulls are handled (NULLS) 160
coded character set identifier (CCSID) 166, 328
control characters (CTLCHAR) 166
CSRSLT (cursor select key) 160
CTLCHAR (control characters) 166
cursor select key (CSRSLT) 160
display character attributes (DSPCHRATTR) 166
display sign-on panel (DSPSGN) 325
DSPCHRATTR (display character attributes) 166
DSPSGN (display sign-on panel) 325
DTARQSTIMO (data request timeout) 325
help panel URL (HLPPNLURL) 327
HLPPNLURL (help panel URL) 327
inactivity timeout (INACTTIMO) parameter 325
INACTTIMO (inactivity timeout) 325
incoming 3270 translation table (TBL3270IN) 160
incoming ASCII translation table (TBLVTIN) 166
INZWAIT (timeout wait for host)
3270 full-screen mode 160
5250 full-screen mode 159
VTxxx full-screen mode 166
KBDTYPE (keyboard language type) 159, 160
keyboard language type (KBDTYPE) 159, 160
limit security officer (QLMTSECOFR)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII line mode 213
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
maximum sign-on attempts allowed (QMAXSIGN)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII full-screen mode 212
VTxxx full-screen mode 198
maximum transmission unit (MTU) 507
MTU (maximum transmission unit) 507
NBRCLT (number of clients per server) 324
NULLS (change how nulls are handled) 160
number of clients per server (NBRCLT)
parameter 324
numeric lock keyboard (NUMLCK) 160
NUMLCK (numeric lock keyboard) 160
outgoing 3270 translation table (TBL3270OUT) 160
outgoing ASCII translation table (TBLVTOUT) 166
page down [roll up] key (PAGEDOWN) 160
page up [roll down] key (PAGEUP) 160
PAGEDOWN (page down (roll up) key) 160
PAGESCROLL (VT100 page scroll feature) 166
Index 621