© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved. xvii
This IBM Redbook will help you plan, install, and configure the IBM System Storage DS6000
Copy Services functions in System z™ environments, and provides the details you need to
implement and manage these functions. The book includes hints and tips.
This document is intended to help you either to design and set up a new Copy Services
installation, or to migrate from an existing installation. It also addresses functionality and
terminology differences from other IBM Copy Services products.
You can read this book in conjunction with the IBM Redbook IBM System Storage DS6000
Series: Architecture and Implementation, SG24-6781. You may also wish to refer to the
companion IBM Redbook for the DS6000 that supports the configuration of the Copy
Services functions in open systems environments, IBM System Storage DS6000 Series:
Copy Services in Open Environments, SG24-6783.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced in Mainz, Germany, by a team of specialists from around the
world working for the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Gustavo Castets is a Certified IBM IT Specialist and Project Leader working for the IBM
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center. While in San Jose, from
2001 to 2004, he co-authored twelve IBM Redbooks and taught IBM classes worldwide in the
area of disk storage systems. Before joining the ITSO, Gustavo was based in Buenos Aires,
where he worked in different technical sales support positions for more than 22 years. Today,
in addition to his work with the ITSO, he works for IBM Global Delivery in Argentina as a
Storage Specialist supporting US and European accounts.
Bert Dufrasne is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist and Project Leader for IBM TotalStorage
and System Storage products at the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose
Center. He has worked at IBM in various IT areas. Before joining the ITSO, he worked for IBM
Global Services as an Application Architect. Bert holds a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Stephen Baird is an IT Specialist with IBM Global Services. He joined IBM in 1999, working
in Open Systems Server Performance Management and Capacity Planning. Since 2002, he
has worked in Storage Area Network and Disk Storage subsystem support, and has gained
experience with Brocade, Cisco, and McData fiber channel switches and directors as well as
DS8000, DS4000™, and ESS series hardware. Stephen holds a degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, MA.
Werner Bauer is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist in Germany. He has 26 years of
experience in Storage software and hardware, as well as with S/390® and z/OS. His areas of
expertise include Disaster Recovery solutions for enterprises utilizing the unique capabilities
and features of the IBM Disk Storage Servers, ESS and DS6000/DS8000. Werner
co-authored IBM Redbooks about Transactional VSAM, DS6000™/DS8000 Concepts and
Architecture, and DS6000/DS8000 Copy Services. He holds a degree in Economics from the
University of Heidelberg and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from FH Heilbronn.
Denise Brown is a Software Engineer at the IBM Open Systems Level Test Lab in Tucson,
Arizona. She has been working with IBM Storage for the past four years, with experience in
Storage software and hardware in an Open System environment. Her current areas of focus