230 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
For the most current list of DS CLI supported environments, refer to the Interoperability Matrix
that is found at the IBM Products site at:
20.4.1 Define Global Copy paths
You can use the following commands to define and manage Global Copy paths.
The lsavailablepprcport command displays the Fibre Channel ports, which can be used to
establish Global Copy paths, see Example 20-11.
Example 20-11 lsavilpprcport command
dscli> lsavailpprcport -l -dev IBM.1750-13AAGXA -remotedev IBM.1750-13AAVCA -remotewwnn
500507630EFFFCA0 16:16
Date/Time: June 14, 2005 9:36:35 AM CDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13AAGXA
Local Port Attached Port Type Switch ID Switch Port
I0000 I0000 FCP NA NA
I0000 I0100 FCP NA NA
I0100 I0000 FCP NA NA
I0100 I0100 FCP NA NA
The lspprcpath command shows you the defined paths from an LSS. Example 20-12 lists the
paths from LSS 16.
Example 20-12 lspprcpath command
dscli> lspprcpath -dev IBM.1750-13AAGXA 16
Date/Time: June 14, 2005 9:46:31 AM CDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13AAGXA
Src Tgt State SS Port Attached Port
16 16 Success FF16 I0000 I0000
16 16 Success FF16 I0100 I0100
With the mkpprcpath command, you can define paths between two LSSs. In Example 20-13,
we establish a path from 1750-13AAGXA/LSS 16/I/O port I0000 to 1750-13AAVCA/LSS 16/I/O
port I0100.
Example 20-13 mkpprcpath command
dscli> mkpprcpath -dev IBM.1750-13AAGXA -remotedev IBM.1750-13AAVCA -remotewwnn
500507630EFFFCA0 -srclss 16 -tgtlss 16 I0000:I0100
Date/Time: June 14, 2005 10:00:48 AM CDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13AAGXA
CMUC00149I mkpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 16:16 successfully established.
The rmpprcpath command removes all paths between two LSSs; see Example 20-14 on
page 231.