226 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Example 20-4 CDELPATH command
PRIM(X'2060' 500507630EFFFC6F X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' 500507630EFFFCA0 X'00') -
Before issuing a CDELPATH command, a CDELPAIR command to all Global Mirror and
Copy volume pairs should be given. The CDELPATH command may cause an ANTP0121I
message if this sequence is not followed.
20.2.6 CGROUP
The CGROUP command is used to control operations for multiple Global Copy volume pairs
on a given LSS:
CGROUP FREEZE Stops all host application I/O to the primary volumes on the specified
LSS pair. With the FREEZE parameter, remote mirror and copy
volume pairs are suspended and paths for the specified LSS pair are
If the Global Copy paths for the LSS pair were defined with
Consistency Group enabled (CGROUP parameter of the CESTPATH
command), then an
extended long busy condition is initiated when
CGROUP FREEZE is issued for the LSS. All host application I/O to
the primary is held off with a long busy condition for two minutes, or
until a CGROUP command is issued with the RUN option. During the
extended long busy window, update activity cannot proceed in the
LSS where the freeze was done.
CGROUP RUN Resumes host application I/O for primary and secondary volumes of
the LSS pair identified in the CGROUP command, which were
previously halted with a CGROUP FREEZE command. The CGROUP
RUN command is used to reset the extended long busy condition set
by CGROUP FREEZE, and release application I/O to the primary
volumes. The status of the volumes does not change; the primary
volumes remain suspended.
Example 20-5 illustrates the CGROUP command.
Example 20-5 CGROUP command
CGROUP DEVN(X’1142') PRIM(X'6060' 62019 X'00') SEC(X'8060' 68006 X'00') FREEZE
CGROUP DEVN(X’1142') PRIM(X'6060' 62019 X'00') SEC(X'8060' 68006 X'00') RUN
Tip: The CGROUP FREEZE command deletes the paths between the specified LSS pair.
To restart normal Global Copy operation, the paths must be reestablished and, if the I/O
activity on the primary volumes was not interrupted during the freeze, the pairs must be
Note: A single LSS can be paired with up to four other LSSs. Therefore, you might have to
issue up to four CGROUP commands to suspend all pairs on a single primary LSS.