222 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
20.1 Global Copy interfaces - overview
There are various interfaces available for the setup and management of Global Copy for
DS6000 in a System z environment.
For z/OS and OS/390, the following interfaces can be used:
– TSO commands
– ICKDSF utility
– ANTRQST application programming interface (API)
– DS6000 interfaces
For z/VM:
– ICKDSF utility
– DS6000 interfaces
For VSE:
– ICKDSF utility
– DS6000 interfaces
For TPF:
– ICKDSF utility
– TPF itself
– DS6000 interfaces
– Other attached servers that support control of Global Copy
The following DS6000 interfaces can be used with all of the previously-listed operating
DS Command-Line Interface (DS CLI). The DS CLI can be used to invoke Global Copy
commands from a server that supports the DS CLI (for example, a Windows XP server),
provided that the server has appropriate connectivity to the DS6000 DS SMC.
DS Storage Manager (DS SM) Graphical User Interface (DS SM GUI). The DS SM
provides a graphical user interface (GUI) running in a Web browser that communicates
with the DS6000 Storage Management Console (DS SMC).
DS Open Application Programming Interface (DS Open API).
In this chapter we provide an overview of the z/OS interfaces, as well as the DS CLI and the
DS SM Graphical User Interface. These interfaces are also covered in more detail in Part 2,
“Interfaces” on page 15.
The DS Open Application Programming Interface (DS Open API), which is a set of application
programming interfaces that are available to be integrated in programs, can be used for
Global Copy management and control. Coverage of the DS Open API is beyond the scope of
this IBM Redbook. For information on the DS Open API, refer to IBM System Storage DS
Open Application Programming Interface Reference, GC35-0516.
Similar functions of the interfaces for Global Copy management
Table 20-1 on page 223 lists similar commands and panel selections of the various interfaces
for Global Copy management, and the resulting tasks.
Note: The command set used for Global Copy management is the same as for Metro Mir-
ror. As you will see with the explanations and examples we present, what differs are the
parameters that are passed to the commands, as well as the selections made in the pan-