Chapter 29. Interoperability between DS6000 and ESS 800 443
Figure 29-9 Path panel
Paths in the reverse direction
The previous example showed how to create a path from the DS6000 to the ESS 800. In
many cases, it is likely that you will need paths from ESS 800 to the DS6000. Because you
have established paths in one direction, you can now establish paths in the opposite
direction. Fibre Channel allows bidirectional mirroring over the same physical path.
Adding or deleting paths
You can add additional paths to an LSS pair by simply creating more paths. To remove a
path, open the Paths panel, select the relevant source server and LSS, select the path that
you wish to delete, and use the delete option from the Select Action pull-down.
29.3.3 Establishing logical paths between DS6000 and ESS 800 using DS CLI
You can also use the DS CLI to establish logical paths. However, you must know the WWNN
of the target Storage Image. The three commands you can use to establish a path are: lssi,
lsavailpprcport and mkpprcpath.
Determining the remote device WWNN
First, we need to determine the WWNN of the remote storage device. If you started DS CLI by
connecting to the DS6000 SMC, then the remote storage device is the ESS 800. If you
started DS CLI by connecting to the ESS 800, then the remote Storage Image is the DS6000.
Determining the DS6000 WWNN with the DS GUI
To use the DS CUI to determine the DS6000 WWNN, follow these steps:
1. Click
Real-time manager.
2. Click
Manage hardware.
3. Click
Storage units.
4. Click in the
Select column for the DS6000 Storage Unit, and from the Select Action
pull-down, choose
5. The DS6000 Storage Unit WWNN will be displayed on the subsequent properties panel.