
Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples 377
This brings you to the Verification panel; see Figure 26-14. Here you can check all the
components of your path definitions and, if necessary, click
Back to correct any of them, or
Finish to validate the configuration and end the wizard.
Figure 26-14 Global Copy path creation step 6 - verification
26.9.2 Create Global Copy volume pairs
To create Global Copy volume pairs for a Global Mirror session, using the DS Storage
Manager, you have to go through another staged process with corresponding panels. This
procedure is demonstrated in this section.
To launch this wizard you need first to go to the Metro Mirror panel, under the Copy Services
menu of DS Storage Manager GUI. In the Select Action pull-down list, choose
Create to
proceed with the first step of the wizard. See Figure 26-15.
Figure 26-15 Global Copy creation - launch the creation process
Note: If Global Copy pairs are in several LSSs in the same storage image, do not forget to
select all of them during this wizard. Else, you will have to run the wizard again for each
LSS. If the Global Copy pairs are spread over several Storage images, then you will have
to run this wizard again for each of them.