Appendix D. CLI migration 533
Table D-2 ESS and DS CLI commands and parameters comparison
list server lsserver Like the 2105, the 1750 storage
facility image contains one pair
of servers.
list volumespace lsextpool, showextpool, lsrank,
showrank, lsarray, showarray,
See Note 1
create volumespace mkextpool, mkarray, mkrank
delete volumespace rmrank, rmarray, rmextpool
list diskgroup lsarraysite A 1750 Array Site can consist of
at least four disk drives (DDMs)
that are made into a RAID
Array. The 1750 does not
support the JBOD Array
list port lsioport, showioport The 1750 CLI lsioport and
showioport commands include
the –metrics parameter that
returns the performance
counter values for the
respective I/O port IDs. The
–metrics parameter provides
the means to monitor I/O port
performance statistics.
set port setioport See Note 2
list volume lsfbvol, lsckdvol See Note 3
create volume mkfbvol, mkckdvol
set volume chfbvol, chckdvol
list pav lsckdvol, showckdvol
create pav mkckdvol
delete pav rmckdvol
list volumeaccess lsvolgrp, showvolgrp See Note 4
create volumeaccess mkvolgrp, chvolgrp
delete volumeaccess rmvolgrp
list hostconnection lshostconnect,
The 1750 CLI commands
include the volume group ID
For 2107, the hostconnect
commands concern SCSI-FCP
host port connections to ESS
I/O ports that are configured for
SCSI-FCP and “identified”
access mode.
create hostconnection mkhostconnect
delete hostconnection rmhostconnect
set hostconnection chhostconnect
list log N/A