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Chapter 24. Global Mirror interfaces
In this chapter we provide an overview of the interfaces you can use to manage and control
Global Mirror environments. We explain the TSO command support for Global Mirror. We
also discuss the use of the DS CLI for managing a Global Mirror configuration in a System z
environment, and provide examples. Then we describe the ICKDSF utility and the ANTRQST
macro support. Finally, we also discuss the DS Storage Manager Web-based graphical user
interface (GUI), which may also be used for Global Mirror management.
The information discussed here can be complemented with the following sources:
Part 2, “Interfaces” on page 15
Chapter 9, “FlashCopy interfaces” on page 69
Chapter 20, “Global Copy interfaces” on page 221
The examples presented in Chapter 26, “Global Mirror examples” on page 341
Chapter 31, “IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication” on page 467
z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services, SC35-0428
Device Support Facility User’s Guide and Reference, SC35-0033
IBM System Storage DS6000: Command-Line Interface User´s Guide, GC26-7922