318 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
The ESTABLISH inband command has some complexity. UNIT points to the local primary
volume. SOURCEVOL identifies the FlashCopy source volume at the remote site. Note this
volume is also the Global Mirror secondary volume. TARGETVOL identifies the FlashCopy
target volume. Both parameters require certain positional values. All parameters are in hex
notation except the serial number in SOURCEVOL as the last positional parameter. In
TARGETVOL, the last positional parameter is the z/OS device number of the FlashCopy
target volume, which is also not specified in hex notation. For details refer to Device Support
Facility User’s Guide and Reference Release 17, SC35-0033.
The second FlashCopy command is a query of the FlashCopy pair that has just been
established in the previous command (note that FLASHCOPY can be abbreviated, as well as
SOURCEVOL). This second FlashCopy command is also an inband command, and is
targeted to the FlashCopy source volume by the SRCVOL parameter, which is the same as in
the previous FlashCopy command.
The job shown in Example 24-25 on page 317 refers to the A volume, which is the Global
Copy primary volume, via the UNIT parameter. This requires the device on address 7000 to
be offline. When the device is online to the system, and when this job executes, ICKDSF will
return with an error message and fail the command.
Example 24-26 shows how to structure your commands and use abbreviated parameters. In
the example the commands are targeted to the online volume and, therefore, require a
corresponding JCL DD statement for the primary Global Copy volume.
Example 24-26 ICKDSF inband FlashCopy with abbreviated parameters
//* -------------------------------------------------------------- ***
//DD01 DD UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=XX2C00,DISP=SHR local device
SRCVOL (X'0C',X'00',X'2C00' 03461) -
TGTVOL (X'0E',X'00',3E00) -
SRCVOL (X'0C',X'00',X'2C00' 03461)
24.5.5 Define a Global Mirror session
In this step we create a session that will involve all LSSs that will participate in this Global
Mirror environment. Each LSS that contributes with Global Copy primary volumes to this
Global Mirror setup, requires to be defined in the session before adding volumes to the
session. As Figure 24-11 on page 319 shows, the session number applies only to the LSS at
the local site.