
C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
IP Commands
Table 12.4 describes the commands used to configure basic IP
settings. For more command options, press the Tab key in the
command line interface.
configure vlan <name> udp-profile
Assigns a UDP-forwarding profile to the
source VLAN. Once the UDP profile is
associated with the VLAN, the Intel
480T routing switch picks
up any broadcast UDP packets that match
the user-configured UDP port number,
and forwards those packets to the user-
defined destination. If the UDP port is
the DHCP/BOOTP port number,
appropriate DHCP/BOOTP proxy
functions are used.
create udp-profile <profile_name> Creates a UDP-forwarding profile. You
must use a unique name for the UDP-
forwarding profile.
delete udp-profile <profile_name> Deletes a UDP-forwarding profile.
show udp-profile {<profile_name>} Displays the profile names, input rules of
the UDP port, destination IP address, or
VLAN and the source VLANs where the
profile is applied.
unconfigure udp-profile vlan [<name> | all] Removes the UDP-forwarding profile
configuration for one or all VLANs.
Table 12.3: UDP-Forwarding Commands (continued)
Command Description