NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
Upgrading the Firmware
To upgrade the firmware on the switch:
1. Download the latest image from your TFTP server.
download image <TFTPserverIP> v<nnn>b<nn>.tfp
2. Verify that primary image is now at the latest version and that the
secondary image is still at the older version:
show switch
3. Save this configuration in the primary configuration database:
save configuration primary
4. Then reboot the switch, and log back into the switch.
5. Verify that the switch is now using the latest version of the
BootROM and firmware:
show version
6. Download your saved configuration back onto the switch. <File-
name> is the name of the configuration file you saved earlier
before downloading the new BootROM.
download configuration <TFTPserverIP> <filename>
Downgrading Your Switch
Assuming you have followed the upgrade instructions correctly,
these steps return to your previous firmware and configuration files:
• Activate the previous image in the secondary image space using
the command:
use image secondary
• To configure the switch to access the secondary configuration
(assuming you have set up the older version as the secondary
configuration) use the command:
use config secondary
• Verify that the above procedures were completed successfully
with the command: