
C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
configure radius-accounting [primary |
secondary] server [<ipaddress> |
<hostname>] {<udp_port>} client-ip
Configures the RADIUS accounting server.
Specify the following:
[primary | secondary]Either the
primary or secondary RADIUS server.
[<ipadress> | <hostname>]The IP
address or host name of the server being
<udp_port>The UDP port to use to
contact the RADIUS server. The default
UDP port setting is 1646.
client-ip <ipaddress>The IP address
used by the switch to identify itself when
communicating with the RADIUS server.
The accounting server and the RADIUS
authentication server can be the same.
enable radius Enables the RADIUS client. When enabled, all
Web and CLI logins are sent to the RADIUS
servers for authentication. When used with a
RADIUS server that supports routing switch
CLI authorization, each CLI command is sent
to the RADIUS server for authentication
before it is executed.
enable radius-accounting Enables RADIUS accounting. The RADIUS
client must also be enabled.
show radius Displays the current RADIUS and RADIUS
accounting client configuration and statistics.
show radius-accounting Displays the current RADIUS accounting
client configuration and statistics.
Table 5.9: RADIUS
Commands (continued)
Command Description