C H A P T E R 16 IPX Routing
Table 16.4 describes the commands used to configure the IPX route
table. For more command options, press the Tab key in the
command line interface.
configure ipxservice delete <service_type>
<service_name> <netid> <node_address>
Deletes an IPX service from the service
configure vlan <name> xnetid <netid> [enet_ii |
enet_8023 | enet_8022 | enet_snap]
Configures a VLAN to run IPX routing.
enet_ii—Uses Ethernet 2 header.
enet_8023—Uses IEEE 802.3
length field, but does not include the
IEEE 802.2 LLC header.
enet_8022—Uses IEEE the format
and the IEEE 802.2 LLC header.
enet_snap—Adds Subnetwork
Access Protocol (SNAP) header to
IEEE 802.2 LLC header.
enable type20 forwarding {vlan <name>} Enables the forwarding of IPX type 20
inside IPX) packets from one
or more ingress VLANs. The default
setting is disabled.
xping {continuous} {size <n>} <netid>
Pings an IPX node. If continuous is not
specified, 4 pings are sent. The default
ping packet size is 256 data bytes. The
size can be configured to between 1 and
1,484 bytes.
Table 16.3: Basic IPX
Commands (continued)
Command Description
Table 16.4: IPX
/RIP Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure ipxrip add vlan [<name> | all] Configures one or all IPX VLANs to run IPX/
RIP. IPX/RIP is enabled by default when you
configure the IPX VLAN.