C H A P T E R 18 Server Load Balancing (SLB)
enable slb gogo-mode master service-check [http | ftp
| telnet | smtp | nntp | pop3 | all | tcpport]
Use these commands to disable GoGo mode health checking:
disable slb gogo-mode master ping-check
disable slb gogo-mode master tcp-port-check [port |
disable slb gogo-mode master service-check [http |
ftp | telnet | smtp | nntp | pop3 | all | tcpport]
unconfigure slb gogo-mode master health-check
This command disables and deletes all ping-check, tcp-port-check,
and service-check configurations for this GoGo mode grouping.
The GoGo mode grouping itself is not affected.
unconfigure slb gogo-mode master service-check [http
| ftp | telnet | smtp | nntp | pop3 | all | tcpport]
This command disables and deletes the service-check
configuration. If the associated TCP port has not been used for any
tcp-port-check configuration, the TCP port is deleted as well.
Use these commands to configure GoGo mode health checking:
configure slb gogo-mode master ping-check frequency
seconds timeout seconds
configure slb gogo-mode master health-check ipaddress
configure slb gogo-mode master tcp-port-check [add |
delete] port
configure slb gogo-mode master tcp-port-check timer
port frequency seconds timeout seconds
configure slb gogo-mode master service-check http
{l4-port port} {url url match-string [match_string |
configure slb gogo-mode master service-check ftp {l4-
port port} {userid userid | password {encrypted}
configure slb gogo-mode master service-check telnet
{l4-port port} {userid userid | password {encrypted}
configure slb gogo-mode master service-check smtp
{l4-port port} {dns_domain}
configure slb gogo-mode master service-check nntp
{l4-port port} {newsgroup}