NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
configure rip Rxmode [none | v1only |
v2only | any] {vlan [<name> | all]}
Changes the RIP receive mode for one or all
VLANs. Specify:
• none—Drop all received RIP packets.
v1only—Accept only RIP v1 format
v2only—Accept only RIP v2 format
any—Accept both RIP v1 and v2 packets.
If no VLAN is specified, the setting is applied
to all VLANs. The default setting is
configure rip txmode [none | v1only |
v1comp | v2only] {vlan [<name> | all]}
Changes the RIP transmission mode for one or
all VLANs. Specify:
• none—Do not transmit any packets on this
v1only—Transmit RIP v1 format packets to
the broadcast address.
v1comp—Transmit RIP v2 format packets to
the broadcast address.
v2only—Transmit RIP v2 format packets to
the RIP multicast address.
If no VLAN is specified, the setting is applied
to all VLANs. The default setting is
configure rip updatetime {seconds} Changes the periodic RIP update timer. The
default setting is 30.
configure rip vlan [<name> | all] cost
Configures the cost (metric) of the interface.
The default setting is 1.
enable rip Enables RIP. The default setting is disabled.
Table 13.2: RIP Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description