
C H A P T E R 16 IPX Routing
IPX Encapsulation Types
Novell NetWare
supports four types of frame encapsulation. The
term for each type is described in Table 16.1.
To configure a VLAN to use a particular encapsulation type, use
this command:
configure vlan <name> xnetid <netid> [enet_ii |
enet_8023 | enet_8022 | enet_snap]
IPX and IP
The 480T routing switch supports:
Separate routing interfaces for IP and IPX traffic on the same
Load sharing of IPX routed traffic
802.1Q tagged packets on a routed IPX VLAN
Table 16.1: IPX
Encapsulation Types
Name Description
ENET_II The frame uses the Ethernet 2 header.
ENET_8023 The frame includes the IEEE 802.3 length
field, but does not include the IEEE 802.2
Logical Link Control (LLC) header. This
encapsulation is used by NetWare
2.x and the original 3.x version.
ENET_8022 The frame uses the IEEE format and
includes the IEEE 802.2 LLC header. This
encapsulation is used by NetWare version
3.12 and 4.x.
ENET_SNAP The frame adds a Subnetwork Access
Protocol (SNAP) header to the IEEE 802.2
LLC header.