C H A P T E R 15 IP Multicast Routing
disable dvmrp {[Rxmode | txmode] vlan
[<name> | all]}
Disables DVMRP on the system.
disable dvmrp Rxmode vlan [<name> | all] Disables receiving of DVMRP packets on a per-
VLAN basis.
disable dvmrp txmode vlan [<name> | all] Disables transmitting of DVMRP packets on a
per-VLAN basis.
disable igmp {vlan <name>} Disables the router-side IGMP processing on a
router interface. No IGMP query is generated,
but the switch continues to respond to IGMP
queries received from other devices. If no
VLAN is specified, IGMP is disabled on all
router interfaces.
disable igmp snooping Disables IGMP snooping. IGMP snooping can
be disabled only if IP multicast routing is not
being used. Disabling IGMP snooping allows
all IGMP and IP multicast traffic to flood within
a given VLAN.
disable ipmcforwarding {vlan <name>} Disables IP multicast forwarding.
disable pim Disables PIM on the system.
unconfigure dvmrp {vlan <name>} Resets the DVMRP timers to their default
settings. If no VLAN is specified, all interfaces
are reset.
unconfigure igmp Resets all IGMP settings to their default values
and clears the IGMP group table.
unconfigure pim {vlan <name>} Resets all PIM settings to their default values.
Table 15.4: IP Multicast Routing Reset and Disable Commands (continued)
Command Description