
NetStructure 480T Routing Switch User Guide
You can make dynamic changes to the route map. Direct and Static
route changes are reflected immediately, while RIP, OSPF, and BGP
changes are reflected within 30 seconds.
Route Map Support for OSPF Export
When OSPF is enabled the route map is applied on each and every
route exported to OSPF. It can be used for filtering or for setting the
cost, cost type, and tag of the exported route. You can use this feature
to make dynamic changes to the route map.
Use these commands to enable OSPF route map export:
enable ospf export direct [[cost <metric> [ase-type-
1 | ase-type-2] {tag <number>}] | <route map>]
enable ospf export static [[cost <metric> [ase-type-
1 | ase-type-2] {tag <number>}] | <route map>]
enable ospf export rip [[cost <metric> [ase-type-1 |
ase-type-2] {tag <number>}] | <route map>]
enable ospf export [bgp | i-bgp | e-bgp] [cost
<metric> [ase-type-1 | ase-type-2] {tag <number>} |
<route map>]
enable ospf export vip [[cost <metric> [ase-type-1 |
ase-type-2] {tag <number>}] | <route map>]
BGP and OSPF Route Map Support for Tagging
Tagging support for BGP and OSPF allows you to redistribute OSPF
routes from the kernel routing table to BGP, or BGP routes to OSPF.
Use this command to enable tagging:
configure route-map <route-map> <sequence number>
[add | delete] match [nlri-list <access-profile> |
as-path [access-profile <access-profile> | <as no>]
| community [access-profile <access-profile> | <as
no>: <number> | number <community> | no-advertise |
no-export | no-export-subconfed] | next-hop <ip
address> | med <number> | origin [igp | egp |
incomplete] | tag <number>