The active portion of the file starts by defining the layouts that exist. So to add a new layout, you must
increment the number of layouts, then add an identifier for a new layout.
Original file New File
[Layouts] [Layouts]
Layouts=3 Layouts=4
1=RGB Combi 1 1=RGB Combi 1
2=YCbCr Combi 2 2=YCbCr Combi 2
3=YCbCr Combi 3 3=YCbCr Combi 3
4=New layout
It is then necessary to add a new layout identifier after the existing ones.
[New layout]
Name = my new layout
Panes = 6
Finally each pane in the new view needs to be defined. There must be a header which contains the new
layout name, followed by “_PaneX” where “X” is a number from 1 up to the number of panes, which is 6 in
the example. This has to be followed by the type of view to place in the pane. All of the possible view
types are listed at the top of the ini file, and reproduced here.
Valid pane types:
Vector Scope
Audio PPM
YCbCr Line Data
YCbCr-Parade Line Data
YCbCr-Parade2 Line Data
Y Line Data
Cb Line Data
Cr Line Data
RGB Line Data
RGB-Parade Line Data
RGB-Parade2 Line Data
R Line Data
G Line Data
B Line Data
Finally you must specify the starting co-ordinates for each pane, and the width and height of the pane. All
four values are specified as percentages of the total screen size. Position X=0, Y=0 is the top left of the
screen. Position X=100, Y=0 is the top right of the screen. Position X=100, Y=100 is the bottom right of
the screen.
[New layout_Pane1]
Type = RGB-Parade2 Line Data
Lastly, the full_screen_layouts.ini file is only read when the application is opened, so you must restart
after you have made changes.