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3. Turbo seal failed
4. Verify oil pressure
Maximum boost limits on stock motor
1. The stock 2AZ-FE has shown to be rather stout but it is not recommended boost pressure be increased
above 8 PSI. However, there are reports of several customers running 9.5 PSI of boost with success
while using the Spearco WIS part number 30993. A DIY instructional thread on Scion Tc installation of
this system is posted on www.turboneticsownersclub.com
in the Spearco Water Injection System Forum
2. Tuning of the Unichip on a load based dyno will allow for increased power production at the standard 8
PSI pressure. Increasing boost pressure is not recommended without a Spearco WIS and / or proper
tuning of the Unichip on a load based dyno by an authorized Unichip tuner. Increasing boost pressure
may result in engine failure and as such increasing boost pressure is at your own risk.
TURBONETICS will repair or replace, at our expense, any new TURBONETICS / Spearco products that fail,
including products used in racing or competition applications, for a period of one year from the original date of
purchase. All turbocharger and cartridge assemblies have a factory installed inline oil filtration device. This filter
device must remain in place if any warranty is to be considered under the No-Fault / No-Hassle program.
Electrical components that fail due to misuse are not covered under the No-Fault / No-Hassle Warranty Program.
Warranty is limited to TURBONETICS products and does not include progressive or subsequential damage and
does not cover removal or installation labor or associated parts. No warranty is made for any other claims for
special, indirect or consequential damages including but not limited to component removal or installation
equipment downtime, prospective profits or other economic loss.