Editing Effects: Chapter 7
Not to be confused with an actual Mix or Mix mode, the Effect’s Mix function is where
you can mix the various signal levels of all the effects to the Main Left and Right
outputs of the QS. Only effect modules that have access to the Main outputs will
appear on the Mix page. There is a separate Mix page for each of the four effect
busses whose effect modules feed the main output. Note that the Mix page doesn’t
control how much the individual effect modules feed to each other; only how much
they feed to the Main outputs.
Depending on the selected Configuration, the order of the effects will differ (for
example: in Configuration #1, the order reads Pitch, Delay, Reverb; but in
Configuration #2, the order is Delay, Pitch, Reverb).
Pitch Level (00 to 99)Page 1(Config 1 and 4); Page 2 (Config 2 & 5)
Adjusting this value will cause the Pitch Output Level to increase or decrease. The
Pitch Output level is the level for the Pitch Section of the QS’s effects processor to
the Main outputs, and should be set as desired. Even if this parameter is set to 00,
the output of the Pitch section is still available (depending on the bus and
configuration) to following Delay and Reverb sections.
Delay Level (00 to 99) Page 2 (Config 1, 3, 4); Page 1 (Config 2); Page 3 (Config. 5)
Adjusting this value will cause the Delay Output Level to increase or decrease. The
Delay Output level is the level for the Delay Section of the QS’s effects processor to
the Main outputs, and should be set as desired. Even if this parameter is set to 00,
the output of the Delay section is still available (depending on the bus and
configuration) to following Pitch and Reverb sections.
Reverb Level (00 to 99) Page 3 (Config. 1 – 4); Page 4 (Config. 5)
Adjusting this value will cause the Reverb Output Level to increase or decrease. The
Reverb Output level is the level for the Reverb Section of the QS’s effects processor
to the main outputs, and should be set as desired.
Lezlie Level (00 to 99) Page 1 (Config. 3); Page 5 (Config. 5)
This is only available in Configurations 3 and 5. Adjusting this value will cause the
Lezlie Output Level to increase or decrease. Even if this parameter is set to 00, the
output of the Pitch section is still available (depending on the bus and configuration)
to following Delay and Reverb sections.
Overdrive Level (00 to 99) Page 1 (Config. 5 Only)
This is only available in Configuration 5. Adjusting this value will cause the Overdrive
Output Level to increase or decrease. The Overdrive Output level is the level for the
Overdrive Section of the QS’s effects processor to the main outputs, and should be
set as desired.
QS7/QS8 Reference Manual 111